Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day 2 Challenge

There are many challenges with any diet or dietary change.  Day 1 proved to be a challenge for me on several occassions.  Looking in the fridge for a snack yesterday afternoon and all I wanted was cheese and crackers.  The only crackers in my house are gluten free but when I am trying to avoid all grain those are no longer an option.  So I just opted for some cheese and an apple.  Neither really satisfied what I was looking for but I didn't eat any grain....until dinner. 

My son loves pretzels and vegetable cream cheese.  So while I was making dinner he came into the kitchen and said, "Mommy, I want a yummy snack."  What would you like?  "Pretzels and dip, please".  So while getting his snack ready, out of pure habit, I put a few pretzels in the dip for myself before delivering his portion to the table and was snacking away.  Ugh!  Oh well.  At least in my case I am not actually allergic to grain, I'm just making a lifestyle decision.

If you are interested in reading more about going G-free or eliminating grain all together, I would highly recommend the following book:  Wheat Belly by William Davis.  I just ordered a new one, Against all Grain that should be here by the weekend.  I'm looking forward to diving into some new recipes!

I feel the need to preface that I'm not out to lose weight by going grain free.  This is a lifestyle choice for me based on how I feel after I eat food with grain and also because of everything in the news and media about the modification of grain.  The wheat we are eating is not the same wheat Jesus ate!

Today's Menu:

I was out for work this morning so breakfast was a chocolate whey protein shake with Almond milk.  I added a Starbucks Via packet of instant coffee and a few shakes of cinnamon for a little kick.  Yum!

Lunch:  Spinach salad (same as yesterday)
Dinner:  Vegetable Lasagna
     *I layer zuccini, yellow squash, spinach, beef steak tomoatoes and julienne carrots in a lasagna style fashion and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Cover with foil and put in oven at 200 degrees for 25 minutes.  I try to get the most out of my vegetables so I don't try to "bake" them.  Putting the foil on top steams them a bit and they are still crunchy!      

Monday, August 19, 2013

About Us

I started Healthy in the Heartland as a way to document my journey toward a more healthy lifestyle.  I have always been interested in health and wellness although I may not have always made choices as such.  After spending 10 years in the Food and Beverage industry (and eating in a restaurant 5 or 6 days a week for at least one meal, if not 2) I have now spent the last 8 years trying to eat from home as much as possible.  Exercise / working out have been a large part of what I would refer to as my adult life but it has come in waves.  There have been times when I would work out 6 days a week for an hour a day and there have been times when I have not worked out at all.  I have done step aerobics, spinning classes, running, yoga and pilates and most recently, Jillian Michaels 3 days a week.

Both my husband and I believe in alternative medicine and vitamin supplements.  We also embrace that there is a time when Western medicine must enter into the equasion.  Like when we embarked into the world of ART 4 years ago - a story I will save for another post. 

I went gluten free in February 2013 after my self-diagnosis of being gluten intolerant.  I don't feel I have Celiac Disease, I simply do not tolerate gluten.  I tried being what I refer to as "Gluten Lite" for 2 years but that did not work for me.  Since going completely gluten free I feel so much better!  What do I mean by "feel better"?  I feel I have a clearer mental outlook and can stay focused for longer periods of time, the feelings of being bloated or gassy after I eat have declined drastically and my digestion has improved (I would go DAYS without a BM).  My body composition has changed as well although I cannot give that credit to going G-free.  I have also started my work out routine again, have switched to Almond Milk from Cow's Milk and reduced dairy down to cheese on my scrambled eggs.  I am someone who benefits from the endorphins that come with working out so I know that has helped with the mental outlook.  I can't say as though I have really lost much in terms of weight but I'm not a scale watcher; I rely on how my clothes fit.  For the sake of this blog I did my weigh myself:  I am 5'7 and weigh 123 lbs.  If I had to guess I would say the above probably improved my weight by 10 lbs.

Since going G-free I have not experienced a change in my complexion and this was one area I was desperately hoping would improve.  Just as with my work out's my complexion has had it's up's and down's over the years.  I have had moments when my skin was beautiful and I never had to wear make-up and other's when I don't want to leave my house without make-up on.  I am currently going through the latter and have been for the past 6 months.  I am also still suffering with stomach pains after I eat something that is G-free.  Which brings me to today:  Day One of going Grain Free 

I can't say as though I am excited about this new challenge but do feel I need to make an effort to see if I experience a difference.  So what am I going to eat today you ask?  With my job I have days that I work from home and today happens to be one of those so it will be much easier.

Breakfast - Whey protein shake and scrambled eggs with raw spinach, cheddar cheese and tomatoes
Lunch - Spinach salad with Nitrate free shaved ham, carrots, slivered honey almonds and balsamic vinegar
Dinner - Chicken with peppers and onions seasoned with salt and pepper (my G-free version of fajitas) topped with avacado and pico de gallo

I am also introducing a new vitamin supplement protocol today.  Youngevity by Dr. Wallach.  My husband has been a distributer of these products and been taking them for years.  I was taking these all through my IVF years and while breastfeeding my son however, I slowly got away from taking them.  Not sure why, I just did.  I'm keeping it real here folks!

Here is my supplement protocol:
1 scoop in the morning of Tangy Tangerine with 3 EFA's, 2 HGH and 3 Ocean's Gold
1 scoop in the evening of Tangy Tangerine with 3 EFA's,2 HGH and 3 Ocean's Gold

I plan to post as much as possible regarding my meal plans as well as recipes, successes and failures.  I hope you enjoy following along!